To start, it doesn't seem to make such sense, saying "Oh, this is my NaNo novel." Dude, you just said t hat this is your National Novel novel. I'm guilty of saying this, only because there's not much else to call it without going through the entire acronym, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for you newbies) novel. Why can't we just say, "This is my novel. I'm writing it. No you can't have it dedicated to you."
Rant over, for now.
Anyway, so far, I am 40,000 words into my NaNo novel (guilty of saying it, as I said), Fabricate, and I'm finding myself on a slower path towards the ending. I have fourteen full chapters, a partial chapter, the final chapter, and then an epilogue that made me want to shoot my antagonist in the face with a blowtorch. It also made me want to rethink how the rest of the trilogy would go, as the ending of a book can affect everything else in the next book(s).
Right now in Fabricate, Derrick, Matt, Paul, and Risa have been reunited after being split up so that Derrick could lead Isaac and his goons (yes, I called them goons) away from Risa, which made me, and my friend Brie, very sad. I really didn't want to make him leave, but Derrick yelled at me and said he had to leave so that he could come back. Now he's back, at just under 40K, and now the four of them are headed off to LA, California to try to find Isaac.
Unfortunately, I am trying to get in another eight chapter before the end of the book and the pace is winding down. I only have a few more ideas for this (including a surprise twist that I'd wanted to throw in since I started planning the trilogy), but then I have to make the last few chapters meet up with the final chapter, which is going to be fairly difficult.
So, is anyone else out there trying to write their NaNo novel in a month?
If you are, or even if you aren't, take a break from reading this and have a thirty-second dance party. Go on, I'll wait.
Are you loose? Are you ready to spit out more words? Nine more days until the end of the month. I have 10,000 words left to write, but I have to take off at least two days from my writing for Thanksgiving (tomorrow) and the last day of the month (homecoming).
How are you guys doing? What'cha reading? I'll hopefully have a review for The Host (which I've read before, but I'm rereading again) by the beginning of December.
Let us know, you four subscribers, you! Comment on something. I feel like I'm talking to myself while writing this! Comment, e-mail me at I'm not sure what e-mail Jess would want you to talk to her on, so I'll let her tell you.