For the first author of this page, I'm Jessie (not to be mistaken as Jessica) and I had the idea of making a book blog, but I didn't want to start it alone, so I asked for help. My fellow Jess (who I will let introduce herself) is helping me. So, here's a bit about us and then, after being amazed by our awesomeness, you may read about the page...
I'm Jessie, but you can call me Jess or, to be less confusing, Muffin. I'm fifteen, I live in a small town, and I'm a writer. I'm very pale and sunburn very badly, even if I put on sunscreen three times in four hours. I volunteer up at my local library. I have three bookshelves and approximately five hundred books, which is not counting my journals. I'm home-schooled and have been for almost four years now. I have amazing friends. I have a giant stuffed monkey named General Ape. I'm a very sarcastic person. I'm also very random. I also like to rant a lot. I'm mainly working on four books at the moment, not including their sequels. I will tell you a bit about them in the Scribbles section of this blog. I'm going to pass the torch to my fellow Jess and let her tell you a bit about herself and then you may read on about the blog itself.

I'm Jessica, but you can call me Lana, which is my pen name, or you may call me Butterball. Speaking of nicknames, I've been called Sleeping Beauty due to my love for sleep, which comes from how much I enjoy my fantasy filled dreams. I'm a southern gal who is twenty. I have a cheery, bubbly, and child-like demeanor, but I'm also quite sarcastic and a rambler when I've become hyper due to having too much sugar (a soda is all it takes). I'm in college for a field in computers, but my heart will always be with my violin, dancing, and writing. I'm - drum roll please - a fantasy writer! Shocked, right? I do love writing other genres, but most times my stories are filled with fantasy elements. I have one main book, one almost-main book, and three or four others who fight for my attention, which can be seen in the Scribbles section as well. I hope you visit Jessie and me often!
Chilled Ink is basically a blog for writers and readers to just do what they do best: read and write. We'll do book reviews, talk about our own books, talk to other writers and/or authors, recommend books to read, and so much more.
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